Head Shot May 31st 2023

Canadian born in Ontario, nearly half my life now on the west coast

Meet Arthur!

Founder and President of Spindles Turning & Earning Solutions LTD

He started tinkering around 3 years old, taking things apart, learning how they work, and failing horribly at putting them back together again.

Much to his parent’s chagrin, that has never changed.

His first job was in customer service, where he fell in love with standard operating procedures. Though he didn’t know they were called that at the time, that came later as he studied Operations Management at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT).

From there he moved into manufacturing, first as an assembly line worker, then as a lathe operator, then as a manual machinist, continuing on with his career and studies until becoming a Red Seal Journeyman Machinist.

Reflecting now, after over 20 years in manufacturing, there were a lot of common trends with each role he held.

He was able to learn quickly, 2 weeks into his first operator job making transmission turbines he became the crew trainer, another trend that followed him throughout his career is the ability to effectively communicate necessary information to those who need it.

He’s worked in many verticals in manufacturing, from Oil and Gas to Medical and Aerospace, and they all pulled on my attention to detail, and his ability to make problems disappear. It didn’t matter if the company he worked for had been struggling for only few moments or over many decades.

All of this experience has lent itself quite well to his career in technical sales where he expanded his network globally.

Now he works with manufacturers to connect them with the solutions they need to get the job done right, on time, and at a profit.

He also hosts a podcast with many solution providers around the globe, talking about the problems they solve, and how they get them resolved. Showing manufacturers everywhere, they don’t need to suffer with their problems.

If you’re done with struggling (and let’s face it, you wouldn’t be here otherwise) send him a message!